Haruki Murakami: A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel
It takes a master to make me identify with a male protagonist. Quickly becoming one of my favorite books.
Steve Martin: Pure Drivel
"....she gave me her number but since it was all sevens, I couldn't remember it."
Katherine Mansfield: Stories
'The Garden Party' has been my favorite short since I was like 12, but I just re-read this thing and it's still amazing. READ IT.
Norton Juster: The Phantom Tollbooth
A favorite book from when I was younger, still one of my favorites.
Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Not for the faint of heart, but fanfreakingtastic.
Andrea Seigel: Like The Red Panda
One of the best books I have ever read. GET IT.
Douglas Adams: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
My all-time favorite books in one not-compact form.
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